Weber - High Performance web framework for ElixirLang

Weber - is a open souce weber framework for Elixir programming language. It's very lightweight and easy to deploy. Main goal of Weber to help developers to develop scalable web applications in the usual rails-like style. Weber is in eary development stage now, first commit was 07.09.2013, but now it has many features like:
  • Project generation
  • Json parsing/generation
  • Websockets
  • Sessions
  • i18n [experimental]
  • Grunt.js integraion
  • HTML helpers
  • and many more
many features are in plans or in progress now like code reloading and etc...


I started Weber as a hobby project and main point for was - to make high performace web framework. There are many optimizations in weber in different places, more details you can find in the previous post. Weber's workflow is easy. Web server gets request from user and pass it to the handler. Handler tried to parse and match request url and execute any action which dependes on request:


All weber's routing configuration is in route.ex file. There is: route marcros in Weber. Main goal of router is to connect URLs with controllers and actions. You no need to declare route macros in your project for configuring routing. It's already predefined after new project creation. Example of routing configuration:

You can see here that weber's router consist from route macros and on/4 clauses. Every on/4 gets four parameters which means what to response for certain url.
  • "GET" - HTTP method. Can be "GET","POST","PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "ANY"
  • "/" - url
  • :SimpleTodo.Main - controller
  • :add - action
So if weber gets "/" request, it will call :SimpleTodo.Main.add, will get response of it and will return user. Weber router supports different features: Regular expression in path:

Controller/Action declaration with '#':


Resource routing

Will generate:


Main Unit in Weber is a controller. Every controller consists from action. Controller is a ussual Elixir module and Action is a ussual Elixir function with two parameters. For example:

Action parameters:
  • bindings - url bindings. If you have a route path: /add/:name, you will get here: [name: name]
  • connection - Plug record (connection info)
Every action must return one of predefined tuple. It can be:
  • {:render, [project: "simpleTodo"], [{"HttpHeaderName", "HttpHeaderValheaderVal"}]} - Renders views from views/controller/action.html and sends it to response. Or without headers. {:render, [project: "simpleTodo"]}
  • {:render_inline, "foo <%= bar %>", [bar: "baz"]}} - Renders inline template.
  • {:render_other, Elixir.Views.Index, [foo: "foo"], []} - Renders any view in controller. Or without headers.
  • {:file, path, headers} - Sends file in response. Or without headers {:file, path}
  • {:json, [response: "ok"], [{"HttpHeaderName", "HttpHeaderValheaderVal"}]} - Weber converts keyword to json and sends it to response. Or without headers: {:json, [response: "ok"]}
  • {:redirect, "/main"} - Redirects to other resource.
  • {:text, data, headers} - Sends plain text. Or without headers: {:text, data}
  • {:nothing, ["Cache-Control", "no-cache"]} - Sends empty response with status 200 and headers.
Every action can have own view. So if you have routing something like this:

And action:

Weber will render lib/views/main/index.html view.


Weber use EEx templates. It's like HAML in rails:

There are many HTML EEx helpers in the Weber:
  • Weber.Helper.Html - build html from Elixir
  • content_for - layout helper
  • include_view - include html part to the another html
  • Resource helper - script/css/audio/video...


Weber has no opportunity to use/build data models, instead you can use Ecto library. Ecto is a domain specific language for writing queries and interacting with databases in Elixir. See examples.


As i said above i tried and trying now to make weber high perfomance. I found table of comparing json transfering, here is my table with the same test:

Platform Req/s 1000
NodeJS 27
Plain cowboy 32
ChicagoBoss 7.2
Zotonic 7.5
Weber 16.8


So... Weber is in eary development stage, but already has many features and good performance. It's easy to start to easy to develop. We're waiting your contribution. If you're Elixir guru or Elixir newbie we're waiting you in our irc channgel: #WeberMVC at freenode. If you will have any questions/suggestions or ideas for Weber, please let us know at irc channel or in issues.



Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
Actually apparently, elixir has support for HAML.